Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Parking Tickets

No body likes getting parking tickets espeacially when the parking ticket your getting is for parking in a spot that has no "no parking" signs anywhere in site. Meghan Browne, a triathlete was finishing up her work out for the morning when she relized that she was being givin a ticket for parking in a no parking zone along west riverside drive. When she saw the police officer she asked why she was getting the ticket? The officer told her that it was a complaint from another driver that he couldnt get out from his spot because her car was parked in a no parking zone. Well she tells the officer that people park there all the time and points out there are no signs indicating that it is a no parking zone. she ended up fighting it in court and was very confinced she would win but she was more worried about why they dont put up any signs if people have been doing the samething for a year now. I thought this was an interesting subject to talk about because it pretty crazy how they just cant put up a little sign that says no parking that will solve everything and instead they just ignore it and pass out tickets left and right.
