Monday, October 19, 2009

Supporting our troops

Taking care of returning troops is a very difficult thing but it is worth it in the long run. they fight for our country and also for us so it is the least that we can do but for some reason taylor doesnt feel that way. The article writtin by veterans care states that a company offered taylor to a open its community to helping veteran female troops traumatized by war and they said no to all of it because they feel that the company will try and take over the neighborhood and also feel that it is making houseing for ex cons. I believe that taylor is in the wrong for what they are doing because one "houseing for ex cons?" troops are in no one realated to ex cons at all. Another thing is everyone else around the world does what they can to help our troops because they dont only fight for their country they also fight for us and we feel that they deserve the help they need. We also help the troops because in the long run we are also helping our country by being apart of helping our troops.

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