Monday, November 30, 2009

Being Thankful and Meaning It

When people say thank you they dont really mean it, like the phrase "thank you for your interest" is used to sooth rejection or failure. When you say "thanks" now a days its used to as a sneer that may damage the meaning of thank you. I really dont see it that way at all because to me when you say thank you or even think of saying thank you you really should mean it because it is really a phrase of respect. When you help someone or do something that they cant do alone they say thank you because they cant re-pay you with the exact same thing you helped them with and it also shows that you really appreciated their help. How many times have you done something for someone and they dont say thank you? It really disrespectful because you took time out of your day to help someone and they dont even appreciate it. So in the end the phrase Thank You should always be used as a phrase of respect.

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