Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dont got a greencard, dont get a toy

im commenting on dont got a green card, dont get a toy. i think that that is really bad that its come down to if your not a citizen then you dont qualify for gifts. i mean when it comes down to kids there souldnt be any descrimnation like that at all because christmas is mostly for the kids than it is adults. besides if christmas is suppose to be a comeing together and happy time where does that fall into place with the whole green card thing?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Being Thankful and Meaning It

When people say thank you they dont really mean it, like the phrase "thank you for your interest" is used to sooth rejection or failure. When you say "thanks" now a days its used to as a sneer that may damage the meaning of thank you. I really dont see it that way at all because to me when you say thank you or even think of saying thank you you really should mean it because it is really a phrase of respect. When you help someone or do something that they cant do alone they say thank you because they cant re-pay you with the exact same thing you helped them with and it also shows that you really appreciated their help. How many times have you done something for someone and they dont say thank you? It really disrespectful because you took time out of your day to help someone and they dont even appreciate it. So in the end the phrase Thank You should always be used as a phrase of respect.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Taxes for Abortions?

In the Bog entry " should our tax dollars be going to women to have abortions". I agree that tax money shouldn’t be used for abortions I have nothing against abortion because there are times where people cant afford a kid or its not the right thing at the time. The main thing im into is that I don’t want my hard earned money going to something like that, I would rather it go to something more meaningful. Now im not saying that abortion isn’t a serious matter because it really is because the challenges these kids go through with that isn’t an easy task at all. I also agree that it is a persons choice to have an abortion and that’s completely fine. There are some cases that people say that its wrong to have an abortion but its a 50/50 kind of thing with those types of people it a no win. In the end though its down to choice.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Drunken Blood Test

People believe that if the police are going to require DWI suspects to give a blood test when showing signs of intoxication, it should be done by a trained medical worker not a police officer. Also people would like Austin City Council to approve a resolution that prohibits officers from collecting blood samples. Also they would like Austin City Council to support a compromise offered by Police Chief Art Acevedo that they will raise money to hire trained medical workers. Chief Acevedo stated that until they can hire a medical technician that staff from Seton and university medical center Brakenridge will draw blood from DWI suspects. In recent months Acevedo wanted his men to be trained in collecting samples from DWI suspects during the no refusal operation. No refusal operations are used more on holidays because that is when drunken driving soars. It is legal for an officer to ask for a blood sample when a suspect denies to give a breath sample. Drawing blood from suspects without their consent however, has shown controversy because its a invasive procedure that comes with risk. Council member Bill Spelmen says "This scares me", to Acevedos efforts to have his officers trained to draw blood he also asks very valid questions such as, "what is doing to happen in this interaction? ", "will officers be more likely to be assaulted when an arrest is made? ", and "what happens when an officer pulls out a needle and the citizen reacts? ". Spelmen also points out that if drawing blood is done by a trained medical staff that people are less likely to freak out.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Supporting our troops

Taking care of returning troops is a very difficult thing but it is worth it in the long run. they fight for our country and also for us so it is the least that we can do but for some reason taylor doesnt feel that way. The article writtin by veterans care states that a company offered taylor to a open its community to helping veteran female troops traumatized by war and they said no to all of it because they feel that the company will try and take over the neighborhood and also feel that it is making houseing for ex cons. I believe that taylor is in the wrong for what they are doing because one "houseing for ex cons?" troops are in no one realated to ex cons at all. Another thing is everyone else around the world does what they can to help our troops because they dont only fight for their country they also fight for us and we feel that they deserve the help they need. We also help the troops because in the long run we are also helping our country by being apart of helping our troops.

Monday, October 5, 2009

School Mumbo-Jumbo

Once again Texas Education Agency is putting more attention to taks scores than the grades students are getting in class as stated in Star Telegram. I chose this article because its something that everyone i know and myself have gone through back when we were in grade school. The TEA is more into into the taks test scores than what students grades were in the class because they wanted to make sure that the students were actually learning the material, but like always the TEA always makes new steps in taks scores and what they consider passing. They also put way more series of test that students have to take over the year because some students in school dont meet the required scores that they set. In 2010 the TEA has set the passing grade for 7th grade is 670 and the passing grade for 8th grade is 700, but it will keep changing over the years. This article is pretty accurate because when i was in grade school this was the same thing i had to go through, first we only had to take they taks test once a year, then it ended up changing to twice a year and the required scoring to pass also changed every year too. They would also pay more attention to our taks scores than what they would our class grades, even if we passed our regular classes with straight A's that would seem like it wouldnt be enough because our taks scores were so low or wouldnt meet the standard requirements that they had set.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Parking Tickets

No body likes getting parking tickets espeacially when the parking ticket your getting is for parking in a spot that has no "no parking" signs anywhere in site. Meghan Browne, a triathlete was finishing up her work out for the morning when she relized that she was being givin a ticket for parking in a no parking zone along west riverside drive. When she saw the police officer she asked why she was getting the ticket? The officer told her that it was a complaint from another driver that he couldnt get out from his spot because her car was parked in a no parking zone. Well she tells the officer that people park there all the time and points out there are no signs indicating that it is a no parking zone. she ended up fighting it in court and was very confinced she would win but she was more worried about why they dont put up any signs if people have been doing the samething for a year now. I thought this was an interesting subject to talk about because it pretty crazy how they just cant put up a little sign that says no parking that will solve everything and instead they just ignore it and pass out tickets left and right.
